Tag Archives: Unity

Heavy Part Four: Facing Truths

In part four of the book Heavy, we see Laymon and his mother face difficult times as his mother struggles with her gambling addiction in the casinos, Laymon also begins to gain a new perspective as he reflects on his life from the past to where he is now. In this section we see many struggles that not many would expect Laymon to have as he grows and the book gets deeper. That is what stands out the most for me is the authenticity that he replicates through writing his truths. He faces obstacles with his weight gaining and losing, along with the system he feeds into with his job at Vassar University, and gambling. In a conversation/writing to his mother he says “If we fall, give us a chance to fall honestly, compassionately together.” (Laymon 239). When reading this at the end of the book I felt a sense of union from these words. Kiese understands that life comes with struggles and being a black family in this nation comes with problems that are out of their control sometimes. This is an important factor in the book because we see Kiese rebuilding or even building this new trust and relationship with his mother telling her that they have to be break this system but understanding it won’t change the past but they must move on from it.