Welcome to class! Today we have an in-class activity centered around the cultural artifacts you brought in. It will involve some writing, some discussion, snd some sharing of “accessible selfies” to a set of Slides posted on the “Chalkboard” Doc.
This task will help us do two things, one old, one new: first, this activity will allow us to abstract and concrete language (which we last discussed in the “expectations” posts). Second, this activity will also help us introduce a key concept of social scope writing (especially ethnography): the position of the narrator.
We see that in the Pollack and Epstein piece you read for today. We also see it on the Alvarez-Alvarez source you will read for next Thursday .
Not much is due today except the reading, which we’ll talk about. Please make sure you set up a Commons site of your own and send me the url. (The form for that is, you guessed it, on the “Chalkboard”). You will use this site to compile work for Essay 4 (your self-assessment) and to house the “artifacts” in your end of semester portfolio.
One way we’ll work with the reading is to post reactions and questions to it as replies to this post. So — reactions/questions? Go for it.
(This is one of two digital alternate modes for this class; the other is the Accessible Selfies activity.)