Real Change

“Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss that one an identity, the end of safety”. (Laymon 2018)

This passage in the book stands out out to me because this seems to be one of the center points of the book as well as this section of the book. We have followed laymon’s story as a person of color who has lived in a toxic environment most of his life and a world that makes it feel impossible to strive. We see him constantly trying to change the world he lives in, to the point where he had to misdirect the people around him of who he is. This warps around full circle top beginning of book of him telling us that he wanted to write a lie. Writing a lie would be much safer than tackling the problems of systematic oppression like he did in Millsaps, which cause him to get literal death threats.

Laymon, Kiese. (2018). Heavy. New York, NY: Scribne

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