Jaquira Diaz on place, Ana Maria Cardona, and her memoir, Ordinary Girls

In an interview with Jaquira Diaz from Apogee Journals, interviewer Crystal Hana Kim asks a few questions about the book “Ordinary Girls”. The questions were primarily based on Diaz’s thoughts behind organizing her book and what kind of message she really wanted to send to readers and aspiring writers out there. In one part of the interview, Diaz is asked about the meaning behind the title “Ordinary Girls” and explains it is how she and her friends used to refer to themselves. At the same time, when she was younger it was something she didn’t want to be. Later in life, the meaning of being an “ordinary girl” was altered to her own meaning which was girls who are just like her when she was younger; shy, and invisible to society. She also talks about other topics with the interviewer such as struggling to stay true to herself. Diaz was unsure for years whether she wanted the book to be non-fiction or not. She felt like she was exposing the secrets of not only herself but the ones closest to her. In the end, she wanted the book to be real and made sure her friends and family were comfortable with what she was going to be sharing. I know this source is reliable because of its relevance and authority. The interview seems to be very related to the book and the interviewer also seems to have done a lot of their research beforehand. 

Jaquira Diaz on Place, Ana Maria CARDONA, and Her memoir, Ordinary Girls. Apogee Journal. (2019, November 18). Retrieved September 14, 2021, from https://apogeejournal.org/2019/11/18/jaquira-diaz-memoir-ordinary-girls/.