Interviewing Jaquira Diaz

In an interview, “Jaquira Diaz’s Memoir ‘Ordinary Girls,’ Jaquira Diaz Searches for Home”, hosted by Steve Inskeep on Morning Edition, she discusses her childhood tale. Fights, raids, drug dealings, and firearms were all part of her upbringing. She thought it was usual as a child to grow up in this kind of situation, but as she looked back, she realized how out of the ordinary it was. She describes how she attempted suicide for the first time when she was 11 years old, and how after fleeing her home, she began to be jailed. She didn’t know what was happening, but was filled with a rage that she couldn’t describe. When she tried returning home, she didn’t feel like she belonged. A boy approached her as she wandered around her old school and said “No, you have to leave. You don’t belong here.” It was true what he said, no matter how much it felt like home, it wasn’t her place anymore. This source is reliable because it passes everything on the CRAAP test. This is a recent source, where Jaquira Diaz was interviewed by Steve Inskeep.

Steve, Inskeep (2019, October 29). Jaquira Diaz’s Memoir ‘Ordinary Girls,’ Jaquira Diaz Searches for Home: “[Radio Broadcast]” NPR.