Heavy Part One: Grandma’s Duty

In part one of the book Heavy, there is a section called Be. In this section Laymon encounters a Mumford boy. The boy offers Kiese to shoot squirrels with him but Kiese tells him how he’s not allowed to shoot. After Kiese told his grandma about what the Mumford boy had told him she said to him “These white folk, they liable to have us locked up under the jail Kie.”(Laymon 52). This is a significant part in the book because his grandma explains the power of the Mumford’s and other people like them. This helps Kiese understand what place he’s in and how he could be seen by these people which is nothing more than a threat. He leads on by talking about stealing their food and he has to be reminded of why he can’t do that. This part of the section caught my eye because it was the first piece of writing I had read by Laymon in the beginning of the year which gravitated me towards reading Heavy.