Blog Post 1

Blog Post 1

Blog Post 1

Kiese Laymon begins by telling stories regarding his childhood experiences with his family members. Especially the ones with his mother with whom he shared a complicated relationship. As a direct result of him loving his mother unconditionally despite her continuously abusing him. One of Kiese Laymon’s initial quotes was “I did not want to write to you, I wanted to write a lie” in which he was referring to his mother. I was not expecting Kiese Laymon to start his memoir with such heartbreaking details regarding his relationship with his mother. I found it difficult to read some parts of the memoir without creating an image in my head. As I continued reading the memoir I began growing a significant level of appreciation towards Laymon for including this specific line. Reading this part of the memoir also made me reflect on the personal relationship I share with my own mother. Realizing how fortunate I am for sharing a healthy relationship with my mother till this present day. Moving forward with the memoir, I’m anticipating that Laymon includes more lines from his mothers perspective. For the duration of Kiese Laymon dissecting the unfortunate events of his adolescents. As of this moment Kiese Laymon has not disappointed.

1 thought on “Blog Post 1

  1. Demetrios Spiros Tzanetatos

    I also found some points in the book that were difficult to read as I tried to create a image of it in my head. You elaborate on that fact that Kiese said in the beginning that “I did not want to write to you”. This is a very powerful quote from the book especially it being in the very beginning. This I believe foreshadows the relationship Kiese will eventually have with his mother. I also find it nice and important how you added in your response about how this reading has made you reflect on your healthy relationship with your mother. This allows you to build a connection with Kiese and enables you to see the trauma his mother puts him through.

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