Assignment Sheet, Essay 4

Essay 4: Self-Assessment

“Letter to a Future ENG 210 Student” 

Peer Editing Draft due:

N/A: This essay is written in stages, with time for revision, Nov 30-Dec 9

Graded Revision Due:

Dec 16, by 9am to the Google Form on our Chalkboard Doc


One of your initial writing assignments was a letter to me about your expectations for class.  Now it’s your turn to let someone else know what to  expect as they write a letter of expectations of their own. As a means of reflecting on our work this semester, your last ENG 210 research task is to dive into the “archive” of your own work this Fall and to write a “Letter to a Future ENG 210 Student”. 

This is a self-assessment of your learning this semester. As such, you should draw whenever possible on your ungraded writing, on your informal discussions, on all the “little things” where learning happens, maybe without us fully realizing it. There are some examples of what you might do here. But really we’ll do most of this work in class. 

Some advice: Be sure to use concrete detail, evidence from our learning activities, and paraphrases of the goals and objectives on our syllabus as you understand them as you tell this audience what you have learned in this class. Offer them any tips you might have for how to navigate this course’s learning objectives, assignments, readings, and skills successfully. 

This essay should be 750-1000 words and will be submitted via a Form. 

 Complete work should include:

  • An argument about your changes as a writer this semester (a how-to that another student could follow, or a how-not-to if you like)
  • Examples from learning artifacts of your own reading and writing (especially informal work outside Essays 1, 2, and 3) that support your argument
  • Reflections on the process of collaborating to your formal writing
  • Optional & Encouraged: References to our course’s goals and objectives, and specific ways that you feel you’ve met them — this would be good material for the conclusion.