Schedule (tentative)


Module 1: Pick a Book! (Aug 26-Sept 28)

H, Aug 26: Course introduction, community building, expectations letters

T, Aug 31: Contracts; previewing activities for the books; starting in on group reads; privacy discussion

H, Sept 2: Discuss group reads (Talusan); publishing and replying to expectations letters on course blog

(Note: I’ll plan to be ‘broadcasting’ from campus, NAC 5/108. Please join Zoom.) 

T, Sept 7: NO CLASS—Rosh Hashanah

H, Sept 9:  Discuss group reads (Diaz, Laymon); library assignment due (blog); open internet assignment

T, Sept 14:  internet assignment due; Pick a book!; lesson on outlining; set up your site

H, Sept 16: NO CLASS—Yom Kippur 

T, Sept 21: Draft of “Pick a Book” essay due to Google Docs

H, Sept 23: TBD (Let’s meet each other) in NAC 5/108 (select Thursdays only, conditions willing) 

T, Sept 28: Published version of your “Pick a Book” essay due to your Commons site

Module 2: “How to ‘Book Group’” (Sept 30-Oct 21)

H, Sept 30: Exploratory essay post due option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Oct 5: Contribution to class annotated bibliography on book groups due 

H, Oct 7: fieldwork; option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Oct 12: Draft of Essay 2 due for peer editing; Collaborative Rubric

H, Oct 14: fieldwork; option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Oct 19:  Essay 2, due by 9:30am to the Commons

Module 3: Reading Alone and with Others (Oct 21-Nov 30) 

H, Oct 21:  Book groups start | option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Oct 26: Posts for Session 1 (Laymon p 1-62 / Diaz p. 1-62 / Talusan 1-82)

H, Oct 28: Replies due; discussion option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Nov 2: Posts for Session 2 (Laymon 63-116 / Diaz 63-142 / Talusan 83-149)

H, Nov 4: Replies due; discussion option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Nov 9: Posts for Session 3 (Laymon 117-162 / Diaz 142-247 / Talusan 150-229)

H, Nov 11: Replies due; discussion option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Nov 16: Posts for Session 4 (Laymon 142-end / Diaz 248-end / Talusan 230-end)

H, Nov 18: Replies due; discussion option to meet in NAC 5/108

T, Nov 23: Essay 3 Peer Editing [Google Docs]

H, Nov 25: NO CLASS — Thanksgiving

T, Nov 30: Essay 3 due by 2pm to the Commons 

Module 4: Letters to the Future (Dec 2-Dec 16) 

H, Dec 2: Book groups celebration option to meet in NAC 5/108 

T, Dec 7: presentations

H, Dec 9: presentations; Essay 4 Due to by 9:30am to the Commons; celebration [in NAC 5/108]

T, Dec 14: NO CLASS — CCNY Reading Day

H, Dec 16:; optional conferences option to meet in NAC 5/108