When I first enrolled in the course, I was pressed for time to pick a major and ended up with sociology, banking more on my work experience with technology and IT than anything to propel me forwards, and getting certificates. However, this does not mean that I came into here for no reason. I feel that it is very important for me to learn about sociological research methods and sociological concepts so that I may become a better informed citizen and give me a skillset that could potentially lead me to working in a nonprofit or government institution as well.
Now that we are a few classes deep, I have formed some expectations based on the format of the class. I want to improve my writing, particularly my research-based writing of course (my last time doing a research paper was the fall 2018 semester!). However, there is a very important discussion and analysis part of this course as well. I want to learn to better work with others to improve our writing and how to provide helpful feedback and commentary that may better help to develop my own writing as well as those who share their own with me. It will be interesting to see how that dynamic plays out in an online class, versus a in person class like I experienced 3 years ago.
Hello Spencer,
I hope you like the major you chose in the end. Since it was in a rush, I hope it is something you love to do for your future. I agree with your expectations. I haven’t written an official research people for a long time too! I have mostly been writing poems for fun, so I don’t expect to write like a professional. But hopefully, with all of us working together, we can improve our writing and make it through this class with high grades. I also wonder how online class will work when compared to in person classes. I would prefer a in person class, but I think we can still communicate using the technology we grew up using. I hope your expectations are met and I wish you luck with your future!